STRENGTH Clean 3, 2, 1, 1. Set of 3 and 2 are touch and go reps. Do warm up sets to build up to a heavy set of 3 to start. WOD Row 1000 50 Wall ball 25 Dumbbell clean & jerk (20/15) 12 Muscle up 14 minute cap
STRENGTH Clean 3, 2, 1, 1. Set of 3 and 2 are touch and go reps. Do warm up sets to build up to a heavy set of 3 to start. WOD Row 1000 50 Wall ball 25 Dumbbell clean & jerk (20/15) 12 Muscle up 14 minute cap
STRENGTH Shoulder press 4 x 3 rep Strict pull up max reps, 4 sets Alternate between shoulder press and pull up sets, rest up to 2 minutes between each. WOD Run 200 12 Kettle bell swing (32/24) 12 Pull up 10 Metre handstand walk 4 rounds (15 minute cap) If you’re unable to handstand walk,
STRENGTH Back squat 4 x 5 rep WOD 60 Hang squat clean (60/40) Every break in reps, do 10 box jump 12 minute cap Recommended weight for this workout should have you completing about 10-15 reps in the first set.
STRENGTH Weighted push up Barbell row 4 x 3 rep WOD 12 Dumbbell push press (20/15) 10 Toe to bar 8 Burpee 10 minutes, as many rounds as possible To keep intensity high, scale the T2B to be able to complete at least the first 2 rounds unbroken. Either half the reps or go 90deg.
Today’s workout has a high volume of reps. Partnering up is an option for some, recommended for others. If you do this workout with a partner, for each round you’ll relay 200m each, then do 15 reps each of the box jumps and wall balls. WOD ‘Kelly’ Run 400m 30 Box jump 30 Wall ball
STRENGTH Deadlift 4 x 5 rep WOD 8 Overhead squat (50/35) 8 Chest to bar pull up 8 rounds (14 minute cap) Scale the C2B pull ups to normal pull ups or jumping pull up (or do half of reps).
GYMNASTICS Handstand roll out L sit Ring holds 4 rounds WOD Clean & Jerk 1 every 20 seconds, 12 minutes You can do all of these with power, squat or a combination of both. All squat cleans will mean more total work. If you do 70-80% of your max the 12 minutes will be tough and
STRENGTH Handstand push up Weighted pull up 4 x 5 rep Use deficit for HSPU if required. Strict handstands, no kipping. WOD ‘Annie’ Double under Sit up 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 reps (14 minute cap) Compare to: 13/04/2017 Cut the double unders down if you’re still learning. Also consider cutting the volume of sit
STRENGTH Snatch 5 x 2 rep WOD Row 600 50 Pull up 40 Box jump 30 toe to bar 20 Power snatch (50/35) 14 minute cap Scale the pull up volume if required to finish within 3 minutes, or scale to jumping pull up, same for toe to bar with 90deg.
STRENGTH Back squat 4 x 3 rep WOD 8 Thruster (50/35) 8 Burpee 8 minutes, as many rounds as possible Choose a weight that allows you to keep the thrusters unbroken for most rounds.