Power Clean 4 x 2 rep WOD 9 Deadlift (60/42.5) 5 Squat Clean 3 Thruster 5 rounds (15 minute cap) For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
Power Clean 4 x 2 rep WOD 9 Deadlift (60/42.5) 5 Squat Clean 3 Thruster 5 rounds (15 minute cap) For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
Kipping pull up skill work and progressions to prepare for the workout Single leg squat progressions 10 minutes WOD ‘Cindy’ 5 Pull-up 10 Push-up 15 Squat 20 minutes, as many rounds as possible For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app. Compare to: 05/01/2019
WOD buy desyrel online no prescription pharmacy Run 5k or Row 5k 30 minute cap Stretching progressions Handstand progressions 10-20 minutes Choose whichever option sounds worse. We’ve got a few options for the run. 5k is from the gym to Birkenhead Bus Station and back. Or 5 x laps of our 1k track to
WOD Deadlift 5, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1 rep Increase weight every set, rest 2-3 minutes between sets. Scales and plank variations 20 minutes Optional Finisher ‘Partner Workout’ Burpee box jump over 8 minutes, as many rounds as possible Partner must hold plank variation for reps to count.
10 minutes of Snatch and Thruster technique/warm up WOD 15 Power Snatch (42.5/30) 15 Thruster Row 1000m 3 rounds (25 minute cap) For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
Today we’ve got a Hero WOD in honour of Luke Tamatea. We’ll have a modified option for the farmers carry with kettle bells. Just one class at 4.45pm WOD ‘Tama’ online pharmacy order inderal no prescription with best prices today in the USA 800m Single-arm barbell farmers carry (20/15) 31 Toe to bar 31 Push
Front squat 4 x 3 rep WOD 2 L sit rope climb 35 Strict push up 5 rounds (18 minute cap) For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD A. One Arm Row 8 x 1 rep B. Practice controlled descent from handstand 15 minutes C. Row 2000 For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
5 Bird-dog 5 Kettle bell windmill 10 Pallof press Some more core and stability work today. If any of these core/stability exercises expose a weakness, adding them to your daily warm up can turn them into a strength. WOD 20 Walking lunge 30 Wall-ball 40 Triple-under 3 rounds (20 minute cap) If the goal is
Clean 3, 3, 3, 3 rep WOD 5 Strict L pull-up 15 Push-up 5 Strict L pull-up 15 Push-up Row 750 m 3 rounds (20 minute cap) Partner Option 10 strict L pull-up 30 strict push-up 10 strict L pull-up 30 strict push-up Row 1200 3 rounds (25 minute cap) Share reps and rowing between