PARTNER WOD In teams of 2; 150 Deadlift (35% 1RM) 450 Double-under 150 GHD Sit-up For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
PARTNER WOD In teams of 2; 150 Deadlift (35% 1RM) 450 Double-under 150 GHD Sit-up For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD ‘HALF-MURPH’ Run 800m 50 Pull-up 100 Push-up 150 Air Squat Run 800m (25 minute cap) online pharmacy kamagra-gold over the counter with best prices today in the USA Compare to: 08/09/2020
WOD 1 Hang Power Snatch (50%-75% of 1RM) 30 minute EMOM (every minute on the minute) For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD In teams of 2; Option A: Run 3.2k (300m relay style) Option B: Bike calories 400/360 Then, Option A: 100 Strict pull-ups Option B: 30 L-sit Rope climbs (30 minute time cap) For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD 400m Run 21 Toe-to-bar 21 Back Squat (52.5/35) 400m Run 15 Toe-to-bar 15 Back Squat 400m Run 9 Toe-to-bar 9 Back Squat (18 minute cap) For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD 1 min: Wall Ball (9/6) 1 min: Sumo Deadlift High-pull (35/25) 1 min: Box Jump (50/40) 1 min: Push Press (35/25) 1 min: Calorie Row 1 min Rest (3 rounds) Total number of reps at each exercise (calories for the rower) for all 3 rounds combined is your score. Compare to: 08/05/19 For scaling
WOD Row, Bike, or Ski; 5 x 15 sec -rest 45 sec between each (starting every min) 3 x 1:15 -rest 1:45 between each (starting every 3 min) 1 x 3 min (17 minutes) *Score is total calories for all efforts. For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD LINCHPIN TEST 7 4 Power Clean (92.5/65) 4 Front Squat 4 Shoulder-to-Overhead 4 rounds (10 minute cap) For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app. Compare to: 14/11/2020
WOD 15 Hand-release Push-up 10 Hollow Rock 5 Strict Ring Dip 10 rounds (20 minute cap) For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD In teams of 2: 7 Deadlift (70% 1RM) 20 Medicine ball Clean (9/6) 15/13 calorie Row (4 rounds each) For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.