WOD Hang power snatch 10 x 1 rep After a few warm up sets to about 70%, make a slight increase for every set. Aim to match your PB about set 7 or 8. ‘Partner workout’ 80 Overhead squat (50/35) 80 Burpee Synchro reps, for time
WOD Hang power snatch 10 x 1 rep After a few warm up sets to about 70%, make a slight increase for every set. Aim to match your PB about set 7 or 8. ‘Partner workout’ 80 Overhead squat (50/35) 80 Burpee Synchro reps, for time
GYMNASTICS Handstand roll out Rope climb 10 minutes WOD Run 400 15 left arm kettle bell snatch (16/12) 15 right arm kettle bell snatch (16/12) 5 rounds (22 minute cap)
WOD Deadlift 7 x 7 rep Get a few warm up sets in, once you find a challenging weight, try to complete all 7 sets at the same weight, ensuring good form is maintained. ‘Tabata’ Toe to bar Hollow rock Prone hold Med ball twist 4 rounds
STRENGTH Weighted push up 4 x 3 rep WOD: CROSSFIT OPEN WORKOUT 17.5 9 Thruster (43/29) 35 Double under 10 rounds for time (25 minute cap) Compare to: 27/03/2017 This is a big workout, ask the coach for scaling options to allow you to finish under the cap.
SKILL WORK Single leg squat progressions WOD ‘2017 Games Triple G Chipper’ 100 pull up 80 GHD sit up 60 Single leg squats, alternating 40 Cal. row 20 Dumbbell push press (45/30) (25 minute cap)
STRENGTH One arm row 4 x 3 rep WOD ‘Amanda .45’ Muscle up Squat snatch (60/40) 13, 11, 9, 7, 5 (20 minute cap) This workout is from the 2017 CrossFit Games. The original Amanda workout was at the 2010 Games, you can watch that Here For the muscle up, you can use scaling options
WOD Snatch 7 x 1 rep Build up to 80% of your 1rm before counting sets. Partner Workout 100 Wall ball Every minute, both partners must do 5 burpee before starting wall balls, 12 minute cap
GYMNASTICS Handstand roll out L sit Rope climb 4 rounds WOD Row 500 15 Handstand push up 1 rope climb ‘double-up’ 4 rounds (20 minute cap) Rx for handstand push up is on parallettes. A ‘double-up’ is a two-round trip from seated with only ‘touch-and-go’ between ascents.
WOD Clean @50-85% of 1RM, 1 rep every 30 seconds 10 minutes To warm up for the front squats, these should be squat cleans. You can increase weight over the 10 minutes. STRENGTH Front squat 5 x 5 rep
WOD Run 1200m 20 L pull up 30 Hip extension, holding 12/8 kg kettle bell 3 rounds (40 minute cap) We’ve got scaling options for the L pull up and hip extensions, plus the run can be shortened if required. The workout today will test your endurance. Grip could be challenged from the farmers carry