WOD 200 metre farmers carry (25/17.5) 20 deficit push up, hands on dumbbells 10 Dumbbell push jerk 5 rounds (35 minute cap) This workout will be very taxing on your grip, scale the push up to incline if required.
WOD 200 metre farmers carry (25/17.5) 20 deficit push up, hands on dumbbells 10 Dumbbell push jerk 5 rounds (35 minute cap) This workout will be very taxing on your grip, scale the push up to incline if required.
STRENGTH Snatch 2, 2, 2, 1, 1 rep 2 reps are touch and go, increase weight for every set. WOD 1 Weighted muscle up (9/6) 5 Med ball clean (9/6) 2 Weighted muscle up 10 Med ball clean 3 Weighted muscle up 15 Med ball clean 4 Weighted muscle-up 20 Med ball clean Etc…. adding
STRENGTH Deadlift 7 x 1 rep If your deadlift technique isn’t impeccable, you’ll be doing sets of 3-5 instead of 1’s so you can improve. If you know your 1rm deadlift, increase by about 5kg per set and aim to hit it at about set 5 or 6. If you complete a rep but lose
WOD ‘The Chief’ As many rounds as possible in 3 minutes of; 3 Power clean (60/40) 6 Push up 9 Air squat Rest 1 minute, 5 rounds Record rounds and reps completed for each cycle. Compare to: 15/12/2017 online pharmacy sildalis for sale no prescription pharmacy
GYMNASTICS Handstand rollout Ring holds L pull up 4 rounds WOD 50 Double under 10 Overhead squat (60/40) 7 minutes, as many rounds as possible Warm up the overhead squat and find a weight you can complete 10 reps unbroken. If you have to break sets on the OHS, you’ll lose intensity. Coaches will as
STRENGTH Clean & Jerk 1 every 30 seconds, 10 minutes WOD 30 Squat 20 Handstand push up 10 Deadlift (100/70) 15 minutes, as many rounds as possible The squat is just your body weight, but don’t let that fool you into thinking it’s going to be easy. They should be completed in 1 unbroken set
STRENGTH online pharmacy order lasix without prescription with best prices today in the USA Turkish get up 3, 2, 1, 1 rep WOD 25 GHD sit up 3 rope climb Run 400 4 rounds (25 min cap) online pharmacy buy albenza online cheap pharmacy A lot of reps on the GHD. Scale the GHD volume,
STRENGTH One arm row Weighted pushup 4 x 3 rep buy sinequan online sinequan online generic online pharmacy metformin no prescription WOD 50 Jumping alternating lunge 50 Pull up 50 push press (42.5/30) 50 Hip extension 50 Burpee 20 minute cap Another workout where high intensity is the focus. Scale to finish each exercise in
WOD Snatch balance 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 The focus for snatch balance is getting under the bar into the receiving position, quickly. Ensure you are hitting consistent technique before increasing load. Most of you won’t have practiced this exercise before, so will be focusing more on technique than high weights. ‘Partner Workout’ Row 2000m 80 Single arm dumbbell
STRENGTH Shoulder press 5 x 3 rep WOD Squat clean (42.5/30) Ring dip 27, 21, 15, 9 reps (15 min cap) Use a weight that allows at least 10 unbroken reps in the first set, scale ring dips to push ups. Intensity should be kept high for both exercises so scale to have max of