STRENGTH Clean & Jerk 1 every 30 seconds, 8 minutes WOD 20 GHD Sit up 3 Legless rope climb 5 rounds (15 minute cap Scale to climb with legs or 12 Chest to bar/pull up
STRENGTH Clean & Jerk 1 every 30 seconds, 8 minutes WOD 20 GHD Sit up 3 Legless rope climb 5 rounds (15 minute cap Scale to climb with legs or 12 Chest to bar/pull up
STRENGTH Turkish get up 3, 2, 1, 1 rep WOD 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of: Ring dip Overhead squat (52.5/35)
WOD Squat snatch 7 x 1 rep Spend about 10 minutes building to around 80% before counting set 1. From set 1 it’s 1 rep every 2 minutes. Increase weight each set and aim to reach your PB about set 5 or 6. If you’re only doing 2 or 3 classes this week, you can
GYMNASTICS Handstand roll out Ring holds L pull up 4 rounds WOD 4 rounds for time of: 15 GHD sit up 30 Thruster (30/20) 45 Double under 16 minute cap The thruster weight is light, intention is that you go unbroken, scale accordingly.
WOD 1-mile run Then, 3 rounds of: 30 burpee 4 power clean (70/45) 6 front squat Then 1-mile run 35 minute cap You can scale the run distance, decrease number of burpees and barbell load to keep under the time cap. The Rx on requires a 20lb weight vest. We have a couple here
WOD Thruster 5, 5, 3, 3, 1, 1 rep All 6 sets should be challenging. Don’t use the 5s and 3s as warm ups. WOD ‘Tabata’ Toe to bar Hollow rock Prone hold Med ball twist 4 rounds
STRENGTH Overhead squat 4 x 3 rep WOD 5 deadlift (143/92) 3 weighted bar muscle-up with 4kg med ball 12 minutes, as many rounds as possible Scale the muscle up to bodyweight, chest to bar pull up, pull up or jumping pull up. For the pull up options, double the reps. 2 x pulling exercises,
GYMNASTICS Handstand roll out L sit Rope climbs 4 rounds WOD ‘Tabata’ Dumbbell shoulder press (15/10) Weighted jumping lunge Ring dip Weighted walking lunge Dumbbell push press Max reps at each station The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for eight intervals. All 8 sets at one station
STRENGTH Snatch or clean & Jerk 1 every 30 seconds 10 minutes Choose whichever movement that matches the benchmark workout you’ll be doing. Your focus for this workout is to get each rep as efficient and consistent as possible. Use about 50-70% of your PB. WOD ‘Isabel’ 30 Snatch (61/43) Compare to:12/04/2018 or ‘Grace’ 30
STRENGTH Front squat 4 x 3 rep If you did Candy or Maggie yesterday your legs will likely be a bit heavy. Dial back the weight and focus more on form. WOD 7 x 2-minute rounds of: calorie row (20/14) Max rep GHD sit-ups There is no rest between rounds.If you’ve not been using the