WOD Run 400m 15 Deadlift (112.5/75) 21 Pull-up 3 rounds S.L.I.P.S. Scales L-sits Inversions Planks Stretching Mobility 15 minutes For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD Run 400m 15 Deadlift (112.5/75) 21 Pull-up 3 rounds S.L.I.P.S. Scales L-sits Inversions Planks Stretching Mobility 15 minutes For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD Row 5k (30 minute cap) L-sit from the floor, accumulate 7-minutes In an few sets as possible Compare row 5k to: 28/05/19 For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD ‘CrossFit Total’ Back Squat Shoulder press Deadlift 3 attempts at each lift, highest weight successfully lifted for each exercise goes towards your final score. Compare to: 26/06/19 The CrossFit total is a big strength workout. If still working on technique, or you’re not feeling up to max strength testing, do multiple sets of 3
WOD Run 5k 30 minute cap 30-second Left-side plank 30-second Reverse plank 30-second Right-side plank 30-second Front plank Rest 1 minute 3 rounds (9 minutes) Compare 5k run to: 17/06/19 For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
Workout prep; 4 Single arm overhead dumbbell squat (each arm) 4 strict Pull up/L variation 1 Exercise every minute, 10 minutes Build up the overhead squat weight each round. If you find you haven’t got sufficient mobility to do the overhead squat, you can modify to DB front squat, but snatch the dumbbell overhead first
HERO WOD ‘Mr. Joshua’ Run 400m 30 GHD sit-up 15 Deadlift (112.5/75) 5 rounds (30 minute cap) For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD ‘J.T.’ Handstand push-up Ring dip Push-up 21-15-9 rep (15 minute cap) Partner option; DB Push press (22.5/15) (Partner holds plank) Plyo box dip (Partner holds bottom of squat) Push up (partner hangs from pull up bar) 21, 15, 9 rep (each) 15 minute cap For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
Workout prep; (mobilise posterior muscles to aid L sit) 10 Banded good am 10 Bent over row 10m walking S/L good am (a back scale with a step forward each rep) 10 Spealler stretch. (lying on back, roll back till feet touch floor, roll forward touch alternating feet. 2 rounds (5-10 mins) WOD Row 750m
10 minutes of scales and mobility work WOD Back squat 5 x 1 rep 10 minutes of scales and mobility work Optional finisher; 30 Dumbbell hang clean & jerk (15/10) For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD 1-minute Support on rings 2 Rope climb 1-minute Plank hold 2 Rope climb 1-minute Handstand hold 2 Rope climb 2 rounds (18 minute cap) *Rope climb Rx is legless ascent and descent For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.