WOD 75 Double-under 400m Run 25 Toe-to-bar 3 rounds (20 minute cap) For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD 75 Double-under 400m Run 25 Toe-to-bar 3 rounds (20 minute cap) For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD 1 Back Squat (125/85) 1 Deadlift (142.5/92.5) *Add 1 rep of each every round. 10 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD Run 200m 15 Wall Ball (9/6) 15 Box Jump (60/50) Run 200m 15 Box Jump 15 Wall Ball 20 minute AMRAP (as many rounds + reps as possible) For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD 1-2-3-4-5-6… Bar Muscle-up 5-10-15-20-25-30… Calories on rower As far as possible in 15 minutes For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD Squat Snatches 5-4-3-2-1 rep For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD 12 Deadlift (102.5/70) 30-second Barbell Hold at top of Deadlift 250m Row 4 rounds (10 minute cap) For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD 8 Dumbbell Box Step-up (30/20) (60/50) 8 Burpee Knee-to-elbow 8 DB Back Squat 8 Burpee Pull-up 8 rounds (20 minute cap) For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD 4 Squat Clean (42.5/30) 6 Ring Dip 20 Double-under 8 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD Dumbbell Thrusters (22.5/15) Chest-to-bar Pull-up 21-15-9 rep (10 minute cap) For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD 14 Parallette Pass-through 100m Single-arm kettlebell Front-rack Carry (24/16) 14 KB Goblet Squat Perform 1 round every 3 minutes 5 rounds (15 minutes) For scaling and detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.