WOD Partner Workout (relay style); 5 x 200m Run (each) 5 x 20 Kettlebell swing (each) (24/16) 5 x 20 Hip Extension 100 Medicine Ball Sit-up Throws (total) (9/6) For scaling and a detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD Partner Workout (relay style); 5 x 200m Run (each) 5 x 20 Kettlebell swing (each) (24/16) 5 x 20 Hip Extension 100 Medicine Ball Sit-up Throws (total) (9/6) For scaling and a detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD Max 1k Row Rest 3 min Max Set Front Squat (52.5/35) Rest 3 min Max 500m Row Rest 2 min Max Set Front Squat Rest 2 min Max 250m Row Rest 1 min Max Set Front Squat (25 minute cap) For scaling and a detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD 50 Wall Ball (9/6) 40 Shoulder-to-overhead (42.5/30) 30 Ring Dip (10 minute cap) For scaling and a detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD 3 Deadlift @ 80% 10 Burpee 3 rounds 6 Deadlift @ 70% 10 Burpee 3 rounds 9 Deadlift @ 60% 10 Burpee 3 rounds (20 minute cap) For scaling and a detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD 30 Double-under 3-min. Barbell Front-rack Hold (60/42.5) 30 DB SA OH Weighted Pistol (10/7) 60 Double-under 2-min. Barbell Front-rack Hold 20 DB SA OH Weighted Pistol 90 Double-under 1-min. Barbell Front-rack Hold 10 DB SA OH Weighted Pistol (15 minute cap) For scaling and a detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD Power Clean 5-3-1 rep For scaling and a detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD ‘Cards’ In groups of 2-3 work your way through a deck of cards. Suit = exercise; Number on card = reps. Except for Hearts, 1×400m run/row for each card. Hearts = Run/row 400 Spades = Burpee Diamonds = Dumbbell thruster (20/15) Clubs = Pull up
WOD Every 2 minutes, perform: 8 Box Jump (60/50) 9 V-up with MB (9/6) 10 Jumping Lunge with MB 5 rounds For scaling and a detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD ‘Heavy Grace’ 30 Clean and Jerk (70/47.5) Rest 5 minutes ‘Grace’ 30 Clean and Jerk (61/42.5) (20 minute cap) For scaling and a detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.
WOD Split Squats 4-4-4-4 rep For scaling and a detailed description, see the Zen Planner app.