Snatch 2, 2, 2, 1, 1
The sets of 2 are consecutive reps, increase weight each set.
WOD ‘Air Force’
20 Thruster (42.5/30)
20 Sumo deadlift high pull
20 Shoulder to overhead
20 Overhead squat
20 Front squat
Perform 4 burpees at the start of each minute before moving onto barbell exercises.
Compare to: 22/10/2014
This is a workout from way back in 2010 when qualifiers for the CrossFit games were divided into smaller events called ‘sectionals’ and the individual organisers were able to come up with the workouts themselves instead of from They were qualifiers for ‘Regionals’ competitions. ‘Air Force’ is a challenging workout, there’s pressure to get maximum reps done each minute, if you don’t, your total burpees increases for every extra minute it takes to complete all the reps!