A fine example of getting under the bar fast, in super slow motion. You will notice he does not pull the bar up past his hips but pulls himself under it. I hope watching this video helps more of you to do the same.
Snatch 4 x 3 rep
20 Power snatch (40/25)
20 Toe to bar
2 rounds
30 Double under
30 Sit up
2 rounds
You may start with either of the pairs.
This WOD looks interesting. Looks like a lot of fun.
This WOD looks interesting. Looks like a lot of fun.
Thats a very Tight Snatch hes got there! Yup looking forward to giving this WOD a crack 😀
Thats a very Tight Snatch hes got there! Yup looking forward to giving this WOD a crack 😀
yah thats a snatch an a half i want to do it just like him..mmm… maybe not that weight!!!!!
yah thats a snatch an a half i want to do it just like him..mmm… maybe not that weight!!!!!
Naa whats this.. why was Sly’s name removed? He had a DNF : )
Naa whats this.. why was Sly’s name removed? He had a DNF : )
Haha why you so brutally honest for Dayne
Haha why you so brutally honest for Dayne
Fury – 7.01 (RX)
Good job on your 72.5kg Snatch Richie!
I need more practice on my only managed 70kg today
Fury – 7.01 (RX)
Good job on your 72.5kg Snatch Richie!
I need more practice on my only managed 70kg today
Paul D – 8.20 (Rx) 75kg Snatch
Paul D – 8.20 (Rx) 75kg Snatch