Ever wondered why we use time caps? We use them to encourage intensity in a workout. The science behind it is that the harder you work in a given amount of time (with good form), the greater your training effect will be. The shorter a workout is, the harder you’ll need to work in that time to produce results (adaptation). If you find yourself wishing workouts were longer, you’re probably not working hard enough…embrace that uncomfortable feeling, when you’d usually stop, do one more rep, don’t touch your water bottle till the workout is finished, do you really need more chalk? Push yourself a little harder than yesterday and tomorrow you’ll be better.
If you find you’re getting timed out often and you think you’re working hard enough, talk to a coach about scaling, there are often more options than just using lighter weights to keep you moving faster.
Deadlift 4 x 3 rep
- Row 1000
- 40 Toe to bar
- 40 Shoulder to overhead (50/35)